2 minutes
FDCA Xmas 2024 Day 1 - Thors Digitale Ragnarok
Challenge Description
Danish (original)
Thor har fået sin første smartphone – og det går ikke helt som planlagt. I sin begejstring har han delt mere, end hvad godt er, og nu står Asgård over for en potentiel katastrofe. Loke har opsnappet hemmelig information, og jætterne planlægger et angreb på Bifrost-porten.
Din opgave er at undersøge Thors online-profil og finde frem til:
- Vagtskifte Tidspunkt ved Bifrost.
- Kodeordet til våbenkammeret.
- Hvornår Heimdal holder pause.
- Dato for Lokes planlagte angreb.
Pas på – Loke er snu, og han gemmer sine spor godt.
Hint: Thor elsker BlueSky og går under navnet @thorthundergod90.bsky.social
Lav flaget i formatet: FDCA{vagtskiftetidspunkt_kodeord_HeimdalsPause_angrebsdato}
Flag Eksempel: FDCA{15:00_GodKode123_19:00_23/11/2024}
INFO: Du behøver ikke at oprette en BlueSky konto for at kunne finde svarene.
English (from chatgpt)
Thor has gotten his first smartphone – and it’s not going as planned. In his excitement, he has shared more than he should, and now Asgard is facing a potential disaster. Loki has intercepted secret information, and the giants are planning an attack on the Bifrost gate.
Your task is to investigate Thor’s online profile and find out:
- Shift change time at Bifrost.
- The password to the armory.
- When Heimdal takes his break.
- The date of Loki’s planned attack.
Be careful – Loki is crafty, and he hides his tracks well.
Hint: Thor loves BlueSky and goes by the name @thorthundergod90.bsky.social.
Make the flag in the format: FDCA{shiftchangetime_password_HeimdalsBreak_attackdate}
Flag Example: FDCA{15:00_GoodCode123_19:00_23/11/2024}
INFO: You do not need to create a BlueSky account to find the answers.
The first 3 parts were easy:
- Shift change from hashtag here: 12:00
- Password from image here: THUNDER9000
- Heimdals break from here: 14:30
The attack date is a bit harder but this post was one of the better hints at 25/12/2024. I ended up kinda bruteforcing the possible dates.
So the flag is FDCA{12:00_THUNDER9000_14:30_25/12/2024}