Challenge Description

Danish (original)

Efter Thors debut på sociale medier har han mistet interessen i at styre vejrforholdene i Midgård. Der er simpelthen alt for mange andre ting som han skal tage sig af. Han har derfor valgt at finde en digital løsning og har downloadet et program, som kan hjælpe ham med at bestemme, hvordan vejret skal være på en given dag.

Odin er ikke tilfreds med situationen og har samtidig mistanke om, at jætterne kan være involveret. Derfor har Odin bedt dig undersøge programmet nærmere.

(Der er ingen malware i filen)

English (from chatgpt)

After Thor’s debut on social media, he has lost interest in controlling the weather in Midgard. There are simply too many other things he has to take care of. He has therefore chosen to find a digital solution and has downloaded a program that can help him decide what the weather should be like on a given day.

Odin is not happy with the situation and also suspects that the giants might be involved. Therefore, Odin has asked you to investigate the program further.

(There is no malware in the file.)


We are also given the following file:


Inside the 7z archive is an exe file:

$ 7z x WeatherMachine.7z
[expunged for readability]

$ ls -l WeatherMachine.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 osiriz osiriz 28672 Dec  7 21:41 WeatherMachine.exe

$ file WeatherMachine.exe
WeatherMachine.exe: PE32+ executable for MS Windows 6.00 (console), x86-64, 6 sections

Running strings I found what something in the form of a flag:

$ strings WeatherMachine.exe
[expunged for readability]
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."
Available moods:
[expunged for readability]

“Decrypting” this with rot13, we get: FDCA{KVANTITET_R_KVALITET}